The Documentation Curators team has been retired
The decision has been made within the team after some reflection that the original purpose of the team is complete, and the team will now retire. Now, according to the team, it is time to look for new ways to engage the community with the Umbraco Documentation.
The Documentation Curators have been directly involved in 40% of the Issues submitted and more than half of all the PRs and have made a huge impact on the Umbraco Doumentation. Here are some of the amazing achievements of the team over the past 5 years:
- Showed HQ the way to do docs
- Intern program - a new way to get involved with the community team
- Introduced HQ to the user perspective of docs
- Cleaned up “Coming soon…” references in the documentation
- Removed references to Umbraco 4
- Introduced labels on the GitHub repository
- Added a Style Guide with automatic checks
- Improved and expanded the contribution guidelines for the documentation
- Introduced a couple of Templates for writing documentation
- Implemented the option to create tips, notes, and warnings in the articles
Focus areas:
- Umbraco CMS documentation
- Responsiveness and recognition
- Structure, processes, and guidelines
- Highlighting activities to Umbraco communications team for cross-channel promotion
- Ensure pull requests related to the Umbraco CMS documentation get handled in a timely manner
- Provide and maintain clear structure of the documentation articles
- Maintain contribution guidelines
- Help and encourage new contributors to the documentation
- Retain contributors
- Maintain dialogue with HQ Dev Team to ensure mutual awareness of relevant documentation issues
- Minimizing number of Dev Team referral
Success criteria
- Every pull requests is answered within 48 hours
- Recognize all pull requests related to the Umbraco documentation
- Increase in returning contributors year by year
- Dev Team referrals are triaged by Dev Team within 48 hours (during business days) and then resolved within 5 weeks

Main activities
- Maintaining the process for dealing with incoming pull requests to the Umbraco CMS documentation
- Managing the Umbraco Docs Issue Tracker - triaging, labelling and verifying
- Engaging with, onboarding, and coaching new contributors
- Fortnightly meetings to discuss the current state of the documentation repository, potential improvements, and plans going forward
- Writing and publishing follow-up and updates blog posts on, including reporting on relevant metrics
- Participating in and organizing hackathons, panel discussions, meetups, and conferences/festivals to promote the team and encourage new contributors
- Identifying potential new documentation curators
- Creating webinars for new and existing contributors
- Creating content for and maintaining documentation-related sections on
- Maintaining and expanding on the Documentation style guide rules
- Monitoring mentions of the Umbraco Documentation on e.g. Forums, Slack, Twitter
Let's meet the team!

Sofie Toft Kristensen (Umbraco HQ - Denmark)

Damiaan Peeters (Belgium)

Sophie Neale (United Kingdom)

Jeavon Leopold (United Kingdom)

Busra Parnell (United Kingdom / Turkey)

Marc Goodson (United Kingdom)
Getting in touch with the Team
To ask questions or share remarks specifically about the documentation, we recommend using the Issue Tracker. If you don't have a Github account you can send an email to
To ask questions about the Documentation Team, the work we do and how we do it, use send us an email or Tweet us using #umbracoDocs or our individual twitter tags:
- Sofie - @sxfie
- Jeavon - @crumpled_jeavon
- Damiaan - @dampeebe
- Marc - @marcemarc
Internal Communication
The team uses a dedicated Slack channel to communicate, and the issue tracker to comment and follow-up on tasks. There are generally 2 in-person meetings a year: at Codegarden in May, and visiting HQ in November.
HQ support and role
The role of Umbraco HQ in relation to the team is to:
- Ensure transparency and visibility
- Provide coaching and training
- Provide financial support for travel and accommodations to participate in meetings and events
The role of the HQ Steward is to:
- Managing the team
- Providing the necessary support to the different members
- Coordinating with the HQ Dev Team and the stewards of the other community teams