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Umbraco Community Festivals and Conferences

Exciting full-day events with all things Umbraco. See what's coming up, or start your own!

Umbraco Festivals and Conferences

An Umbraco Festival is a full-day event for all things Umbraco, organized by the Umbraco Community all year round. At an Umbraco Festival around 100 participants, or more, from the Community will join. The Festivals are a great way of building and maintaining relationships within the Community and between the Community and Umbraco HQ. 

2024 Thumbnail DF24


Sep 19, Utrecht

2024 Thumbnail Us Festival

US Festival

Oct 3/4, Chicago

2024 Thumbnail Sweden Festival

Swedish Festival

Oct 23, Stockholm

Umbraco FDN

UK Festival

Nov 7/8, London


DK Festival

Nov 21, Aarhus

Umbraco Spark

March, Bristol (UK)

Umbraad Logo Blue


May, Virtual

Guidelines and support from Umbraco HQ 

Read more about the guidelines that Umbraco HQ has set for Umbraco Festivals as well as the support that Umbraco HQ offers Festival organizers - new as well as veteran.