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Community updates

From content to Karma, and all the great stuff in between

Special interest groups

The Umbraco community invites and encourages special interest groups of various types. At the moment we have three different types:

  1. Community Teams - under guidance from an Umbraco HQ steward, these teams are involved in ongoing work on specific areas relating to Umbraco software or Umbraco HQ initiatives
  2. Advisory Boards - guided by a coordinator from Umbraco HQ, these boards have deep discussions a few times per year around relating to Umbraco software or Umbraco HQ initiative
  3. Guilds - coordinated fully by the community, guilds are a group of community member working on a specific topic relating to Umbraco software or Umbraco HQ initiative

Blog posts

Thoughts and analyses about Umbraco by community members and Umbraco HQ. 

Hear what the community has to say

Umbracians in Action

A collection of community projects and initiatives that make the Umbraco community so special.

Discover community projects


A monthly blog post dedicated to highlighting the experiences of community members from different parts of the world.

Read their stories


That's the number of points you see on each profile, on the forum. But what does it mean, and who has the most?

Check the Karma leaderboard