Package Team 2019 3

The Umbraco Community Teams

Bringing Umbraco HQ and the Community closer together

The bridge between the community and HQ

The community teams are an example of the collaboration between Umbraco HQ and the community, and allow a wonderful exchange of insight, feedback and ideas. 

Joining a community team is a great way to get involved with fellow community members, connect with HQ, and contribute to the CMS! 

All Community Teams members must abide by the Community Teams Agreement.

The Community Teams

Packages Icon

The Package Team

IMG 8335

The Package Team is an initiative that aims to empower Umbraco package developers and to encourage more community members to create and use packages.

Learn more about the Package team

Our Heart

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team

IMG 8380

The Diversity and Inclusion team focuses on discussing and working towards a more diverse and inclusive environment within the Umbraco Community, and Umbraco HQ itself. 

Learn more about the Diversity and Inclusion team

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The Core Collaborators

IMG 8393

The Core Collaborators encourage and manage the community's pull-requests to the CMS. The team is passionate about assisting and supporting contributors.

Learn more about the Core Collaborators team

Pink Hand Inverted U Logo

The Sustainability Team

Sus Team

The first-ever official team in Umbraco dedicated to working only on sustainability initiatives in Umbraco

Learn more about the team

Pink Hand Inverted U Logo

The Backoffice Community Team

Open Source Building Blocks

An community team and pool of knowledge and ideas to make the new backoffice as friendly and flexible as possible. The team are along for the ride from A to RFC.

Learn more about the Backoffice community team