
uProfile Blog Posts

Featuring real members of the Umbraco Community

What is uProfile?

uProfile is a series of blog posts that highlights the unique experiences from a diverse range of Umbraco community members, recognizing their contributions, from newcomers to seasoned veterans.

It's also a way to showcase their community involvement to hopefully serve as inspiration to others in the Umbraco Community.


You can find all the uProfile Blog Posts below - Happy reading!

uProfile June 2024 - Jen Wolke

In this month's uProfile we hear from Jen Wolke, a US based developer with a passion for writing articles and…

Jun 24, 2024 by uProfile June 2024 - Jen Wolke

uProfile May 2024 - Dhanesh Kumar MJ

In this month's uProfile we feature Dhanesh Kumar MJ, a Senior Software Developer at Phases Aps in Kerala, India. Dhanesh…

May 20, 2024 by uProfile May 2024 - Dhanesh Kumar MJ

uProfile April 2024 - Amy Czuba

Introducing Amy Czuba, an Account Director at Nexer Digital. With over five years of Umbraco experience, Amy's journey began with…

Apr 15, 2024 by uProfile April 2024 - Amy Czuba

uProfile March 2024 - Amalie Wowern

Meet Amalie Wowern, a seasoned professional with 14 years experience on all things Umbraco, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. From hosting…

Mar 25, 2024 by uProfile March 2024 - Amalie Wowern

uProfile February 2024 - Richard Jackson

For this month's uProfile, join us in learning more about Umbraco Community newcomer, Richard Jackson. Richard has been on quite…

Feb 18, 2024 by uProfile February 2024 - Richard Jackson

uProfile January 2024 - Jack Chamberlain

Meet Jack Chamberlain, a Senior Developer hailing from Southampton, UK, working for Initials CX. With three years of experience in…

Jan 15, 2024 by uProfile January 2024 - Jack Chamberlain

uProfile December 2023 - Sean Thorne

For this month's uProfile, Sean Thorne, a seasoned Senior Full-stack Developer hailing from Bristol, UK, shares his thoughts on what…

Dec 11, 2023 by uProfile December 2023 - Sean Thorne

uProfile November 2023 - Büşra Şengül

In this month's uProfile, Ayşe Büşra Şengül, affectionately known as B, an Umbraco Developer who hails from the sunny shores…

Nov 13, 2023 by uProfile November 2023 - Büşra Şengül

uProfile October 2023 - Laura Weatherhead

In the vibrant world of Umbraco, where creativity meets code, community plays a pivotal role. Today, we have the pleasure…

Oct 16, 2023 by uProfile October 2023 - Laura Weatherhead

uProfile October 2022 - Mike Fitzpatrick

Isn't it amazing when you feel like you can really get behind the software you work with? That's certainly Mike's…

Oct 31, 2022 by uProfile October 2022 - Mike Fitzpatrick

uProfile September 2022 - Myles Broomes

After attending Codegarden for the first time this summer, Myles feels like a part of something bigger - that’s the…

Sep 28, 2022 by uProfile September 2022 - Myles Broomes

uProfile August 2022: Yoana Vuchkova

Still reeling from attending Codegarden this summer, Business Developer Yoana is thankful for the Community that she feels like such…

Aug 31, 2022 by uProfile August 2022: Yoana Vuchkova