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Goodbye to the wonderful headless community team

Back in 2022, we took the initiative to establish the first two Umbraco community teams where the premise was to meet 4 times per year and to act more like a sounding board. One of the teams was the headless team. Today, we’re announcing that the headless team has fulfilled their work and is closing down.


When the team formed, we were about to introduce headless in the core CMS and align it with our commercial product Heartcore. 

It wasn’t a simple project for us to navigate and communicate. We knew that a lot of developers and agencies had already made custom headless implementations in Umbraco, so we assumed that if we could gather all this input and prioritize it the right way, we would have a good chance to succeed. 

That was where we thought that a sounding board would help us learn from people in our community very experienced with headless projects.

The team members helped us a lot, and we think we succeeded very well in our mission to bring  a great headless experience to Umbraco CMS! 

We introduced a great Content Delivery API and a Media Delivery API in the CMS and we introduced Webhooks - all aligned with Heartcore. 

We’ve also recently added the opportunity to extend the response builder and will continue to add much more headless functionality in the future. With Bellissima (also known as “the new backoffice”) in V14, we will introduce a brand new Management API, which will later be adopted by Heartcore too. Headless within the CMS is now a reality.

An important reason for this new reality is the contributions of the headless team. Since the early days of exploring this initiative, we’ve received invaluable feedback - spanning from very technical details to high-level strategic considerations. 

The team has helped us navigate and implement these features. So, to all members of the team: thank you so much for your input and a big #H5YR!

As we now see the headless functionality adopted in the CMS and see Heartcore in an updated and mature state, we also find that it’s now time to close down the headless team. The team members are both proud of their achievements, but also a little sad to not see their newly made friends in this setting any more.

As always, we’ll all find new paths, but community teams come and go - and soon there will be a new team and a new focus, where we could benefit from community involvement. More on that in another blog post.

With that, thank you to Andy, Poornima, Mikkel, Jeffrey, Emmanuel, Sem, Andrew, Miguel, Marcin, Roy and Ian for your valuable help!

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Written by: Lasse Fredslund
Published: May 2, 2024