Umbraco Community Office Hours
Community Office Hours are open, virtual and live Q&A-style sessions hosted by Umbraco HQ for the Community to ask questions. Topics covered range from product updates to introducing new hires and various initiatives in between.
Office Hours: The acquisition edition
Date: 24th May 2023 - 11am CET
Host/Moderator: Paul Seal
Participants: Nathan, Matt, Lucy and Kim
Today we are talking all things acquisition! Any burning questions you have around Matt, Lucy and Nathan joining HQ and their amazing products being brought in-house, join us and ask away. All will be on hand to answer.

Office Hours: The #CGRumours edition
Date: 28th March 2023 - 4pm CET
Host/Moderator: Steve Temple
Participants: Tenna, Nicoline, Steffie and Rune - AKA The Codegarden Team
The Ask Me Anything Edition of Office Ours with Kim Madsen, Umbraco CEO
Date: 6th Dec 2022
Host/Moderator: Lotte Pitcher
Participants: Kim Sneum Madsen, Emma Burstow, Martin Wulser.
Diversity and Inclusions Friendly Faces
Date: 24th March 2022
Host/Moderator: Emma Burstow
Participants: Sebastiaan Janssen, Joke Van Hamme, Erica Quessenbury
What is it to be a Community Team Steward?
6th December 2021
Host/Moderator: Emma Burstow
Participants: Sebastiaan Janssen (PR), Bjarke Berg (Unicore), Ronald Barendse (Packages), Büşra Şengül (Docs) and Mike Masey (Accessibility).
New Year's Reception follow-up and Q&A
12th January 2021
Host/Moderator: Warren Buckley
Participants: Kim Sneum Madsen (CEO) and Filip Bech-Larsen (CTO)
An update by Kim and Filip on the acquisition by Monterro
2nd September 2021
Participants: Kim Sneum Madsen (Chief Friend Maker/CEO) and Fillip Bech Larsen (CMS Program Manager)
Future-proofing the Umbraco backoffice
12 May 2021
Participants: Fillip Bech Larsen, Niels Lyngsø, Mads Rasmussen and Julia Gruszczynska
Host/Moderator: Matt Brailsford
Updates on Unicore Project with the Unicore Community Team
7 April 2021
Participants: Unicore Community Team
Host/Moderator: Andy Butland
For more information and timely updates, follow us on Twitter.