Umbraco Hacktober Fest Logo 2023

Contributions galore

It's November and that means we've wrapped up another Hacktoberfest, and it's been a great one!

We've been so impressed with the huge flurry of activity over the last few weeks and you sure have given us in the Core Collaborators team a lot of work to do 😅 - don't worry though, we love it! ❤️

A round of appreciation is in order for all the help we've received during this year's hacktoberfest.

Umbraco Hacktober Fest Logo 2023 SQR
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Hackathon in Copenhagen, Denmark

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Hackathon in Charlotte, NC, USA


Hackathon around the world 🌍

The numbers - All exceeding last year's participation! Well done all 🎉

Total pull contributions
Total unique contributors
Brand NEW contributors


As every year, we take inspiration from how Digital Ocean organizes the global Hacktoberfest event and this year, for the first time, they had to admit that they grew too big to be sending people swag afterwards. We usually have to send out less than a 100 packages and.. yikes, we feel their pain (they used to send out 50000!). Luckily, we can still manage that amount and we do have a t-shirt ready for participants that want one! We hope you like this year's design as featured in this post (man in the shirt not included!).

As we have done for the past few years, we've asked people to not just tell us about their code contributions but also for all the other things they do in the month of October and it's an impressive list of wonderful things like:

  • Speaking at conferences
  • Blogging about Umbraco
  • Creating new packages
  • Organizing a Meetup
  • Talking at a Meetup
  • Creating video tutorials
  • Testing Umbraco for accessibility and creating issues for resulting problems
  • Sponsoring package developers

Wow, you all ROCK!

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Package Contributions and Contributors

As always, we encouraged Umbraco package authors to participate in Hacktoberfest and 15 of them took us up on that offer, raking in 25% of this year's total contributions. Not are those package maintainers taking in work on their own repositories, all managed to put in additional contributions in as well. A true story of receiving and giving back. 💙

And, here's a big H5YR 🙌 to everyone who contributed, including those listed below (⭐ = First pull request):


Aaron Sadler Jason Elkin Miguel Pinto
Alex Lovell Jeavon Leopold ⭐ netcamo
⭐ Amalie Wowern Jeffrey Schoemaker Nikolaj Brask-Nielsen
Ambert van Unen Jeroen Breuer Nurhak Kaya
Anders Bjerner Jesper Mayntzhusen Owain Jones
Andrew McKaskill Joe Glombek Owain Williams
Andy Boot Johan Runsten Patrick de Mooij
⭐ Anna Dalsgaard Johannes Lantz Paul Seal
Arkadiusz Biel ⭐ Justin Bötger Poornima Nayar
⭐ Arpit Pandey Karl Tynan ⭐ Prerak Mathur
⭐ beKoool ⭐ Kaspar Boel Kjeldsen Rachel Breeze
⭐ Bernadet Goey ⭐ Kevin Fu Ravi Motha
Bjarne Fyrstenborg Kevin Jump Richard Jackson
Blake Watt Kevin Meilander Richard Ockerby
⭐ Bram Hoven Laura Neto Richard Thompson
⭐ Brett Smith Laura Weatherhead ⭐ Rick Doesburg
Büşra Şengül Lee Kelleher Rick Mason
Carole Rennie Logan Liam Laverty Roy Berris
Chris Ashton Lili Rossiter ⭐ Ryan Woodruff
Chriztian Steinmeier ⭐ Louie Richardson ⭐ Sahil Silare
Corne Hoskam Lucas Bach Bisgaard Sean Thorne
Dave Woestenborghs ⭐ Luke Fisher Simon Dingley
Dean Leigh Marc Goodson Søren Kottal
Emma Garland ⭐ Mario Lopez Søren Mastrup
Erik Jan Westendorp Matthew Hart Steve Vaneeckhout
Georgina Bidder Matthew Wise ⭐ syedzubeen
Henk Jan Pluim ⭐ Merijn Geurts ⭐ Terence Burridge
henryjump ⭐ Michael Duncan Thomas Morris
Huw Reddick Michael Latouche ⭐ Utsav Paul
James Whittington Michael Reiter Vitor Rodrigues
Jan Skovgaard michaelchart Warren Buckley
Jannik Anker michiel-sj  


A special welcome to you, new contributors!

From the stars above you might have already noticed: we were lucky enough to attract many brand new contributors. 

There’s 19 brand new contributors and we hope they will return for more! Welcome to the contributing club Amalie Wowern, Anna Dalsgaard, Arpit Pandey, beKoool, Bernadet Goey, Bram Hoven, Brett Smith, Justin Bötger, Kaspar Boel Kjeldsen, Kevin Fu, Louie Richardson, Luke Fisher, Mario Lopez, Merijn Geurts, Michael Duncan, netcamo, Prerak Mathur, Rick Doesburg, Ryan Woodruff, Sahil Silare, syedzubeen, Terence Burridge and Utsav Paul! H5YR 💪

What about that sweet swag?

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Don’t worry, we won’t let you go without an update. Notifications on GitHub will be sent soon with a link to fill in the form, but you can already start filling it in now based on your github username.

Additionally, we have started by donating 284 trees to celebrate each of the Hacktoberfest contributions, and on top of that we’ll plant a tree per month for people who choose to forego the swag.

If you haven’t already seen, we’ve currently planted over 30000 trees(!) already, and thanks to you there will be even more coming! Read more about what the tree planting actually means.

High five, you rock 🖐️

And that's that! This year has been another true pleasure - thank you and H5YR to everyone who has gotten involved. 

Until next year! 👋


Sebastiaan Janssen
  Written by: Sebastiaan Janssen
  Published: Nov, 2023



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